Optimization of Dataflow on Mobile Devices in Information System of Home Care Agencies

New kind of complex mobile devices can run full scale applications with same comfort as on desktop devices only with several limitations. One of them is insufficient transfer speed on wireless connectivity. Main area of interest is in a model of a radio-frequency based system enhancement for locating and tracking users of a mobile information system. The experimental framework prototype uses a wireless network infrastructure to let a mobile device determine its indoor or outdoor position. User location is used for data prebuffering and pushing information from server to user’s PDA. The accessing of prebuffered data on mobile device can highly improve response time needed to view large multimedia data. This fact can help with design of new full scale applications for mobile devices. On mobile device the SQL Server CE database is used as a cache. Finally the new way to manage the artifacts throw the framework is described and tested. The prebuffering method is described in context of use on real case of information system of home care agencies.