Netzwerke und Netzwerkanalyse in der Organisationsforschung

Die relationale Perspektive und der Einsatz der Netzwerkanalyse haben innerhalb der Organisationsforschung seit den 1980er Jahren enorm an Popularitat gewonnen. Ausdruck dafur ist die inzwischen fast unuberschaubare Menge an Artikeln in den sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften, die sich der relationalen Perspektive bei der Erklarung von organisatorischen Phanomenen und Charakteristiken wie Organisations-, Team- oder Netzwerkperformanz, Leadership, Macht, Jobzufriedenheit, Unternehmerschaft, Innovation und organisationalem Lernen bedienen, und damit auch in den Bereichen traditioneller Organisationsforschung innovative Beitrage geleistet haben (vgl. Borgatti und Foster 2003).

[1]  Robin M. Hogarth,et al.  The Social Capital of French and American Managers , 2000 .

[2]  Patrick Kenis,et al.  Heading Toward a Society of Networks , 2009 .

[3]  M. Mizruchi,et al.  The American Corporate Network 1904-1974 , 1982 .

[4]  S. Wasserman,et al.  Models and methods in social network analysis , 2005 .

[5]  S. Borgatti,et al.  The Network Paradigm in Organizational Research: A Review and Typology , 2003 .

[6]  K. Provan,et al.  Modes of Network Governance: Structure, Management, and Effectiveness , 2007 .

[7]  J. Sydow,et al.  Project Networks and Changing Industry Practices Collaborative Content Production in the German Television Industry , 2001 .

[8]  R. Gulati,et al.  Where Do Interorganizational Networks Come From?1 , 1999, American Journal of Sociology.

[9]  Emmanuel Lazega,et al.  Catching up with big fish in the big pond? Multi-level network analysis through linked design , 2008, Soc. Networks.

[10]  David Krackhardt,et al.  WANTED: A Good Network Theory of Organization@@@Structural Holes: The Social Structure of Competition. , 1995 .

[11]  J. Galaskiewicz,et al.  Networks of Interorganizational Relations , 1993 .

[12]  Wolfgang Seibel,et al.  Verfolgungsnetzwerke: Zur Messung von Arbeitsteilung und Machtdifferenzierung in den Verfolgungsapparaten des Holocaust , 2003 .

[13]  Alex Pentland,et al.  Capturing Individual and Group Behavior with Wearable Sensors , 2009, AAAI Spring Symposium: Human Behavior Modeling.

[14]  Ezra W. Zuckerman,et al.  Networks, Diversity, and Productivity: The Social Capital of Corporate R&D Teams , 2001 .

[15]  K. Provan,et al.  Interorganizational Networks at the Network Level: A Review of the Empirical Literature on Whole Networks , 2007 .

[16]  R. Häussling Ein netzwerkanalytisches Vierebenenkonzept zur struktur- und akteursbezogenen Deutung sozialer Interaktionen , 2006 .

[17]  Daniel J. Brass,et al.  Taking Stock of Networks and Organizations: A Multilevel Perspective , 2004 .

[18]  Daniel A. McFarland,et al.  Dynamic Network Visualization1 , 2005, American Journal of Sociology.

[19]  Walter W. Powell,et al.  Knowledge Networks as Channels and Conduits: The Effects of Spillovers in the Boston Biotechnology Community , 2004, Organ. Sci..

[20]  Gerhard G. van de Bunt,et al.  The Evolution of Intra-Organizational Trust Networks , 2005 .

[21]  Joel A. C. Baum,et al.  The Blackwell Companion to Organizations , 2002 .

[22]  P. V. Marsden,et al.  NETWORK DATA AND MEASUREMENT , 1990 .

[23]  Ulrik Brandes,et al.  Explanation Through Network Visualization , 2006 .

[24]  K. Provan,et al.  Legitimacy Building in the Evolution of Small-Firm Multilateral Networks: A Comparative Study of Success and Demise , 2000 .

[25]  J. Sydow,et al.  Organizing and Evaluating Interfirm Networks: a Structurationist Perspective on Network Processes and Effectiveness , 1998 .

[26]  Michael Jünger,et al.  Graph Drawing Software , 2003, Graph Drawing Software.

[27]  Peter A. Gloor,et al.  Capturing team dynamics through temporal social surfaces , 2005, Ninth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'05).

[28]  Jörg Sydow,et al.  Network Development by Means of Network Evaluation? Explorative Insights from a Case in the Financial Services Industry , 2004 .

[29]  Ulrik Brandes,et al.  Analysis and Visualization of Social Networks , 2003, Graph Drawing Software.

[30]  Martin Kilduff,et al.  Special Issue: Frontiers of Organization Science, Part 1 of 2: Zooming In and Out: Connecting Individuals and Collectivities at the Frontiers of Organizational Network Research , 2005, Organ. Sci..

[31]  K. Provan,et al.  A Preliminary Theory of Interorganizational Network Effectiveness: A Comparative Study of Four Community Mental Health Systems , 1995 .

[32]  Indre Maurer,et al.  Dynamics of Social Capital and Their Performance Implications: Lessons from Biotechnology Start-ups , 2006 .

[33]  A. van Witteloostuijn,et al.  Companion to organizations , 2002 .

[34]  W. Seibel,et al.  More than just a metaphor : The network concept and its potential in holocaust research , 2004 .

[35]  Ulrik Brandes,et al.  Composing Effective Teams through Team Dating , 2010 .

[36]  R. Burt Secondhand Brokerage: Evidence On The Importance Of Local Structure For Managers, Bankers, And Analysts , 2007 .

[37]  Stefan Kühl,et al.  Qualitative und quantitative Methoden der Organisationsforschung - ein Überblick , 2009 .

[38]  P. V. Marsden,et al.  Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis: Recent Developments in Network Measurement , 2005 .

[39]  Stephen P. Borgatti,et al.  Toward ethical guidelines for network research in organizations , 2005, Soc. Networks.