Dear Editor: Evidence-based treatment planning in dentistry helps clinicians provide the most contemporary treatment justified by a thorough review of alternative treatments, diagnostic information, patient wishes, and evidencebased outcome data. No matter how conscious the dental community is about the importance of evidencebased dentistry (EBD), it is rarely applied, mostly because of time limitations. Therefore, quicker access to evidence-based knowledge may help dental clinicians, mentors, researchers, and students to implement effectively evidence-based practice. The Crown-or-Fill (CoF) website was recently launched ( or apps/0010/index.php) under the umbrella of EvidenceBased Healthcare (now EBHnow; The website was created by a group of researchers, developers, and experts in evidence-based healthcare at McGill University, Concordia University, and the University of Bern for the purpose of providing instant access to evidence-based publications on the treatment outcomes of dental restorations. More specifically, the 5-year failure rate of the single-unit restorative alternatives is provided after 2 pre-existing conditions of the posterior teeth have been selected (Fig 1): whether (a) the tooth
Kelvin Ian Afrashtehfar,et al.
Evidence‐based dentistry for planning restorative treatments: barriers and potential solutions
European journal of dental education : official journal of the Association for Dental Education in Europe.
Kelvin Ian Afrashtehfar,et al.
Failure of single‐unit restorations on root filled posterior teeth: a systematic review
International endodontic journal.
J. Anderson,et al.
Need for evidence-based practice in prosthodontics.
The Journal of prosthetic dentistry.
J. Westfall,et al.
Practice-based research--"Blue Highways" on the NIH roadmap.
Kelvin Ian Afrashtehfar,et al.
Failure rate of single‐unit restorations on posterior vital teeth: A systematic review
The Journal of prosthetic dentistry.