Treemap, Radial Tree, and 3D Tree Visualizations

Individual taxa or groups of taxa can be traces across multiple trees. The viewer uses the Open Inventor graphics API to generate the 3D visualization. d discusses data analysis and visualization InfoVis 2003 contest submission. Two inoaches – a coupled dual radial tree layout dimensional tree viewer (Stewart, Hart et al. ed to compare phylogenetic trees. An inl tree layout was applied to visualize tree p algorithm (Bederson, Shneiderman et al. IL, University of Maryland was utilized to s. The second tool uses two tightly coupled radial tree visualizations to support the semi-automatic alignment of trees. The tool takes a correspondence matrix for two phylogenies as input. This matrix can for example be computed using the popular consensus tree approach (Adams 1972) which establishes mappings of intermediate nodes according to the similarity between their respective leaf sets. The layout algorithm generates two radial tree visualizations – one for each phylogenetic tree (see Figure 2) – and two control panels (see Figure 3)