Evaluation and Implementation of Distributed NoSQL Database for MMO Gaming Environment

Massively Multi-player Online Games have emerged as a most intensive data application nowadays. Being massively used by simultaneously game players around the world. This data require high level of performance, fault tolerance and scalability. Distributed databases are one of the option we got for this kind of systems. The goal is to give game players a high level of availability, fault tolerance and speed of the database. So that the growing need of the players can be handled. NoSQL distributed databases are nowadays are getting popularity for their opensourse, non relational data stores, high performance, scalability and fault tolerance. Traditional relational databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL seems to be loosing interest among the database developer. NoSQL databases which includes Riak, CouchDB, Cassandra are rapidly gaining interest because of there advantages over traditional databases. This study is about choosing the best and reliable distributed database among SQL and NoSQL. Pikkotekk AB provides network traffic load balancing services to the game developers for their games. PikkoTekk have load balancing servers known as Pikkoservers that works fully transparent to the game and fulfill all the requirement of massively multi player online user that interacts with game all together.