Vibratory diagnosis of the earthmoving machines for the additional necessary power level evaluation
In this paper the author present the acquired resu lts regarding the evaluation of the additional necessary power level, by using an indirect method, based on vibratory diagnosis. The study was based on the identification and monitorization of the main param eters of earthmoving machine drive system, with pri ority on theirs dynamic behaviour. It was identified the dynamic transitory phenomenons which appears during a working cycle. The proposed method depart from the instant values acquisition of the supervised parame ters, and the comparative analysis with the available inf ormations from the existing database. The utilizati on of this non-distructive method leads to the residual energy consumption reducing, through the efficient achiev ements of the normal consumption for each tecnological pha se due to the dynamic effects decreasing. Both thro ugh the fit rendering of the derived results by the pre vious presented method, and through the continual c orrelation with the acquired data regarding the distribution a nd the levels of vibration on the machine basic str ucture, there are dignified the next major aspects: the add itional level of the necessary power on the system, and their distribution on the structural components; the esti ma on of the utilization degree and of the chargin g level on each structural components; the estimation of the s ructural and functional degrade levels. This work was developed on the wheel frontal loader equipment typ e. There are presented the main advantages of the proposed method, sustained by the encouraging resul ts acquired by the author. Key-Words: vibration, diagnosis, dynamic effects, power level evaluation
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