Versatile Modeling Platform for Cooperative Energy Management Systems in Smart Cities

With growing attention to sustainability and recognition of the impact of global warming problems, energy supply and consumption have become critically important. This paper presents the construction of a modeling platform accommodating cooperative energy management systems (EMSs), which virtually produces the model of a smart city with a distribution network (DN) by using a wide range of data obtained from the real world. The platform involves models of various EMSs, governing the operation of a power system or controlling consumer-installed devices, and simulating the power flow, electrical losses, and voltage in the DN. In addition, indices measuring the sustainability of the model city, such as CO2 emission, are estimated from scenarios, for example, photovoltaic system installation, electric vehicle penetration, etc. The results can be visually displayed and the platform is highly versatile and applicable to various types of issues associated with smart cities. Two case studies are presented in detail.

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