Versatile Modeling Platform for Cooperative Energy Management Systems in Smart Cities
Yasuhiro Hayashi | Yoshiyuki Shimoda | Yoshiharu Amano | Hiroshi Kikusato | Jun Yoshinaga | Yu Fujimoto | Kevin Tomsovic | Hans-Arno Jacobsen | Masato Watanabe | Yohei Yamaguchi | Hideo Ishii | Shinya Yoshizawa | Yuji Takenobu | Takeshi Koike | Shunsuke Sasaki | Shin-Ichi Tanabe | K. Tomsovic | H. Jacobsen | Y. Hayashi | S. Tanabe | Y. Yamaguchi | Y. Shimoda | Yuji Takenobu | S. Yoshizawa | Y. Fujimoto | Y. Amano | J. Yoshinaga | Shunsuke Sasaki | Masato Watanabe | Hiroshi Kikusato | H. Ishii | T. Koike
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