Effect of reactor conditions on MSIV (main steam isolation valves)-ATWS power level
In a boiling water reactor (BWR) when there is closure of the main steam isolation valves (MSIVs), the energy generated in the core will be transferred to the pressure suppression pool (PSP) via steam flows out of the relief valves. The pool has limited capacity as a heat sink and hence, if there is no reactor trip (an ATWS event), there is the possibility that the pool temperature may rise beyond acceptable limits. The present study was undertaken to determine how the initial reactor conditions affect the power during an MSIV-ATWS event. The time of interest is during the 20-30 minute period when it is assumed that the reactor is in a quasi-equilibrium condition with the water level and pressure fixed, natural circulation conditions and no control rod movement or significant boron in the core. The initial conditions of interest are the time during the cycle and the operating state. 4 refs., 2 tabs.