Title: Learning Functional Mappings between Sensorimotor Systems on a Humanoid Robot Submitted By

Laboratory where thesis will be done: MIT Artiicial Intelligence Laboratory Brief Statement of the Problem: The cerebellum has long been known to be associated with the coordination of the human motor system. Contemporary research indicates that this is one product of the cerebellum's true function: the generation of dynamic models of systems both within and without the body. This proposal describes the instantiation of one such model in the humanoid robot Cog, developed at the MIT AI Lab. The model takes the form of an adaptive mapping of head movements into anticipated visual motion. This model is part of a visual subsystem which allows Cog to detect motion in the environment without being confused by movement of its own head. The author hopes that this work will be the rst step in the development of a fully-functional artiicial cerebellum for Cog. Supervision Agreement: The program outlined in this proposal is adequate for a Master's thesis. The supplies and facilities required are available, and I am willing to supervise the research and evaluate the thesis report.