Instrumentation of the Säntis Tower in Switzerland for lightning current measurements

This paper reports on the progress in a new project to instrument the Santis telecommunications tower in the Saint Gallen region of Switzerland. The paper includes information on the Rogowski coils and magnetic loop sensors that will be used to measure the lightning current. In addition, information is given on the design of the control and monitoring system in the context of the particularly rough weather conditions of the site. Keywords—Lighting current, Rogowski coil, automatic measurement system Corresponding author: Abraham Rubinstein e-mail address: Presented at the Fourth International Workshop on Electromagnetic Radiation from Lightning to Tall Structures, in July 2009 Fig. 1. Santis Telecommunication Tower near St. Gallen in northeastern Switzerland. 86 International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science & Technology, Vol.4, No.1, MARCH 2010