Following the successful introduction of flat fares on buses in outer London in April 1981 the GLC approved further proposals for the simplification of London Transport fares over the greater London area as a whole. These were implemented in October 1981 and were associated with a general 30% reduction in bus and underground fares. The most radical aspect of the scheme involved the creation of four bus zones across London with a fare for travel anywhere within a zone of 20p. Travel for two is 30p and three or more 40p. On the underground two central area zones were created but elsewhere graduated rail fares were retained but at approximately 25-30 per cent lower. A comprehensive programme has been set up to monitor the effects of the 4th October changes. The paper covers the major aspects including: (a) receipts and passenger effects - elasticity implications - bus pass take-up - changes in bus travel patterns resulting from zonal structure; (b) operational implications - bus passenger boarding times - ticket office queues in central area underground stations; (C) impact on different socio-economic groups. The attached appendix identifies these areas, the surveys being undertaken and time scales. Finally the paper considers possible further stages in the integration and simplification of London bus and rail fares in future including the creation of integrated passes for use on bus and underground. (Author/TRRL)