Recent developments in polycrystalline oxide fiber laser materials: production of Yb-doped polycrystalline YAG fiber

Laser quality, polycrystalline oxide fibers offer significant advantages over state-of-the-art silica fiber for high energy lasers. Advanced ceramic processing technology, along with a novel powder production process, has potential to produce oxide fibers with an outstanding optical quality for use in the fiber laser applications. The production of contaminant-free green fibers with a high packing density, as well as uniform packing distribution, is a key factor in obtaining laserquality fibers. High quality green fibers are dependent on the powder quality combined with the appropriate slurry formulation. These two fundamental technologies were successfully developed at UES, and used to produce Yb-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) fibers with high optical quality, high chemical purity, and suitable core diameters down to 20-30 microns.