LACCASE Is Necessary and Nonredundant with PEROXIDASE for Lignin Polymerization during Vascular Development in Arabidopsis[C][W]

Laccases and peroxidases are encoded by large gene families in plants, and both enzymes have been implicated in the polymerization of monolignols during lignification. Loss of function of three LACCASE genes in Arabidopsis essentially eliminates lignification in root and stem tissue, in the absence of reductions in peroxidase transcripts, indicating that laccase is essential for lignification. The evolution of lignin biosynthesis was critical in the transition of plants from an aquatic to an upright terrestrial lifestyle. Lignin is assembled by oxidative polymerization of two major monomers, coniferyl alcohol and sinapyl alcohol. Although two recently discovered laccases, LAC4 and LAC17, have been shown to play a role in lignin polymerization in Arabidopsis thaliana, disruption of both genes only leads to a relatively small change in lignin content and only under continuous illumination. Simultaneous disruption of LAC11 along with LAC4 and LAC17 causes severe plant growth arrest, narrower root diameter, indehiscent anthers, and vascular development arrest with lack of lignification. Genome-wide transcript analysis revealed that all the putative lignin peroxidase genes are expressed at normal levels or even higher in the laccase triple mutant, suggesting that lignin laccase activity is necessary and nonredundant with peroxidase activity for monolignol polymerization during plant vascular development. Interestingly, even though lignin deposition in roots is almost completely abolished in the lac11 lac4 lac17 triple mutant, the Casparian strip, which is lignified through the activity of peroxidase, is still functional. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that lignin laccase genes have no orthologs in lower plant species, suggesting that the monolignol laccase genes diverged after the evolution of seed plants.

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