Emission Inventory of Electricity Generation in Thailand
Using default emission factors might lead to both over and under estimates for evaluating the total emissions, because the emission factor is strongly affected by fuel properties, operation procedure, emission control etc. To decrease these errors, locally derived emission factors were developed by using site specific data, such as continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS), stack sampling and operation information data from the selected power plants. They were representative of each types of power plant in Thailand including thermal, gas turbine and combined cycle power plants. The locally derived emission factors, according to plant characteristics, were calculated from the annual gaseous emissions divided by either annual electricity generation or heat input in which unit were expressed in kg/MWh or kg/GJ. In order to compare, the locally derived emission factors might be different from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC emission factor from 1 to 4 times.From the locally derived emission factors, the emissions inventory of the power generation sector and country-specific emission factors were evaluated. The average annual emissions inventory of electricity generation between 2001-2006 for CO 2 , CO, NOx, SO 2 and particulate matter were about 67, 0.03, 0.15, 0.04 and 0.005 million tons respectively. From the results of the nation grid emissions inventory between 2001-2006, the country-specific emission factors of the CO 2 , NOx, SO 2 and particulate matters were approximately 563.52, 1.26, 0.41 and 0.06 g/kWh respectively.