Fractal Approach to the Development Strategies of Enterprises

This article is devoted to consideration of a number of terminological and methodological aspects of the strategic diagnostic of the enterprise. Available to the fractal approach to the formation and diagnostic strategies, based on an analysis of the elementary fractal strategy. Existing approaches to the formation of the strategy can be systematized according to the following criteria: the logic of the strategy; target setting strategy; cognitive strategy setting; scale of tasks to be solved; method of obtaining and appropriating economic rent; the basis of competitive advantage. The most popular method for explaining the features and the mechanism of strategy development is now the resource approach, which, when building the appropriate methodology for the formation and diagnostics of the strategy, makes it possible to address the strategic potential of the economic entity. The main task of strategic diagnostics is to identify possible alternatives to development management. The resulting strategic management alternatives are a combination of the elements of a set of strategies at different fractal levels. Analysis of the obtained alternatives is advisable to begin with an elementary fractal strategy. The advantage of using this model is that in this case it is possible to exclude non-feasible from the position of goals and objectives of the state strategy of alternatives at the early stages of its development - at the level of analysis of managerial and organizational processes, “positions on assets”, development trajectories. Or, on the contrary, it is possible to “correct” the elementary fractal of the strategy, namely, to make all three of its components hypostasis - administrative and organizational processes, positions on assets, development trajectory, corresponding to each other. The second way can be less expensive.