The influence of optical phonons on the exciton dispersion is studied for various coupling strengths as a function of the exciton radius aex. The variational method yields an effective exciton mass which for not too large radii aex (smaller than the polaron-radii) is reasonably approximated by the bare mass. Only for very large aex, the exciton mass is that of two independent polarons. Corrections to the quadratic dispersion in higher order of the centre of mass momentum are found to be negligible small. The dispersion curves for the materials TlCl and PbI2 are calculated.
Der Einflus der optischen Phononen auf die Exzitonen-Dispersion wird fur verschiedene Kopplungsstarken als Funktion des Exzitonradius aex untersucht. Die Variationsmethode liefert eine effektive Exzitonen-Masse, die fur nicht zu grose Radien aex (kleiner als die relevanten Polaron-Radien) gut durch die freie Bandmasse approximiert wird. Nur fur sehr grose Radien ist die Exzitonenmasse gleich der von zwei unabhangigen Polaronen. Korrekturen zur quadratischen Dispersion in hoherer Ordnung des Schwerpunktimpulses sind vernachlassigbar klein. Die Dispersionskurven fur die Materialien TlCl und PbJ2 werden berechnet.
H. Büttner,et al.
Effective Hamiltonians and bindings energies of Wannier excitons in polar semiconductors
E. Koteles,et al.
Resonant Brillouin scattering near the a exciton in CdS
C. Weisbuch,et al.
Resonant Brillouin Scattering of Excitonic Polaritons in Gallium Arsenide
G. Lucovsky,et al.
The lattice polarizability of PbI2
E. Tosatti,et al.
Comment on “the band gap excitons in PbI2”
H. Büttner,et al.
Binding energy of wannier excitons interacting with LO phonons in anisotropic polar crystals
C. Varma,et al.
Effective Electron-Hole Interactions in Polar Semiconductors
G. Mahler,et al.
Ground-State Energy of an Exciton-Donor Complex Calculated in a "Two-Polaron Model"
C. Varma,et al.
Effective Electron and Hole Interactions in a Polarizable Field