Nomenclature and Terminology of Fullerenes: A Preliminary Survey

Abstract A Fullerene Working Party (composed of workers active in the field) met in Boston in February, 1993, and a set of recommendations was taken forward to the IUPAC Meeting held in Lisbon, August 1993, for consideration by Commission 11.3 (High Temperature and Solid State Chemistry). Meetings held there between Mr.E. W. Godly, Dr. R. Taylor, Prof. G.M. Rosenblatt, Prof. J. Corish, and Prof. A. J. Bard, resulted in an updated set of recommendations, which were sent to all members of the working party, and to fifteen expert referees. There was common feedback that existing nomenclature should be used wherever possible. h4r. E.W. Godly and Dr. R. Taylor then produced a fbrther set of recommendations for consideration by a working group which included members and former members of the IUPAC Commission on Organic Chemistry Nomenclature, and Chemical Abstracts Service representatives (P.M. Giles, E.W. Godly, A.D. McNaught, G.P. Moss, W.H. Powell, and R. Taylor), at Balatodred, Hungary in September, 1994. F...