Hyperbolic Chaos: A Physicist’s View

Part I Basic Notions and Review: Dynamical Systems and Hyperbolicity.- Dynamical Systems and Hyperbolicity.- Part II Low-Dimensional Models: Kicked Mechanical Models and Differential Equations with Periodic Switch.- Non-Autonomous Systems of Coupled Self-Oscillators.- Autonomous Low-dimensional Systems with Uniformly Hyperbolic Attractors in the Poincar'e Maps.- Parametric Generators of Hyperbolic Chaos.- Recognizing the Hyperbolicity: Cone Criterion and Other Approaches.- Part III Higher-Dimensional Systems and Phenomena: Systems of Four Alternately Excited Non-autonomous Oscillators.- Autonomous Systems Based on Dynamics Close to Heteroclinic Cycle.- Systems with Time-delay Feedback.- Chaos in Co-operative Dynamics of Alternately Synchronized Ensembles of Globally Coupled Self-oscillators.- Part IV Experimental Studies: Electronic Device with Attractor of Smale-Williams Type.- Delay-time Electronic Devices Generating Trains of Oscillations with Phases Governed by Chaotic Maps.