Integrated Morphoelectric and Transcriptomic Classification of Cortical GABAergic Cells

Neurons are frequently classified into distinct types on the basis of structural, physiological, or genetic attributes. To better constrain the definition of neuronal cell types, we characterized the transcriptomes and intrinsic physiological properties of over 4,200 mouse visual cortical GABAergic interneurons and reconstructed the local morphologies of 517 of those neurons. We find that most transcriptomic types (t-types) occupy specific laminar positions within visual cortex, and, for most types, the cells mapping to a t-type exhibit consistent electrophysiological and morphological properties. These properties display both discrete and continuous variation among t-types. Through multimodal integrated analysis, we define 28 met-types that have congruent morphological, electrophysiological, and transcriptomic properties and robust mutual predictability. We identify layer-specific axon innervation pattern as a defining feature distinguishing different met-types. These met-types represent a unified definition of cortical GABAergic interneuron types, providing a systematic framework to capture existing knowledge and bridge future analyses across different modalities.

Brian R. Lee | Hanchuan Peng | Anton Arkhipov | David Reid | Colin Farrell | Hongkui Zeng | David Feng | Miranda Robertson | Ed S. Lein | Uygar Sümbül | Zhi Zhou | Bosiljka Tasic | Lydia Ng | Staci A. Sorensen | Alex M. Henry | Wayne Wakeman | Daniel Park | Susan M. Sunkin | Aaron Szafer | Philip R. Nicovich | Nathan W. Gouwens | Jim Berg | Tim Jarsky | Kristen Hadley | DiJon Hill | Lisa Kim | Rusty Mann | Lindsay Ng | Aaron Oldre | Rachel Dalley | Tae Kyung Kim | Kimberly Smith | Jonathan T. Ting | Gabe J. Murphy | Zizhen Yao | Lauren Alfiler | Matthew Kroll | Michael Tieu | Rohan Gala | Osnat Penn | Luke Esposito | Kara Ronellenfitch | Changkyu Lee | Jessica Trinh | Christof Koch | Agata Budzillo | Fahimeh Baftizadeh | Kiet Ngo | A. Henry | Wayne Wakeman | David Feng | Hanchuan Peng | M. Hawrylycz | Hongkui Zeng | Bosiljka Tasic | Zizhen Yao | Lucas T. Graybuck | Kimberly A. Smith | Darren Bertagnolli | J. Goldy | Osnat Penn | Olivia Fong | Christine Rimorin | Michael Tieu | Tamara Casper | Matthew Kroll | A. Szafer | N. Dee | S. Sunkin | T. Daigle | E. Lein | Hong Gu | Tsega Desta | Lydia Ng | U. Sümbül | G. Murphy | T. Jarsky | J. Ting | Christof Koch | R. Dalley | Changkyu Lee | Krissy Brouner | Aaron Oldre | D. Sandman | Kris Bickley | N. Dotson | L. Potekhina | P. Nicovich | Kiet Ngo | M. McGraw | M. Robertson | C. Farrell | Clare Gamlin | Grace Williams | A. Arkhipov | Jim Berg | Agata Budzillo | Lauren Alfiler | Katherine Baker | Kyla Berry | Jasmine Bomben | Thomas Braun | Kirsten Crichton | Tom Egdorf | Rachel Enstrom | A. Gary | Alexandra Glandon | M. Gorham | Kristen Hadley | D. Hill | M. Hupp | Sara Kebede | Lisa Kim | Katherine E. Link | M. Mallory | Rusty Mann | Michelle Maxwell | D. McMillen | Alice Mukora | Lindsay Ng | Daniel Park | R. Rajanbabu | Shea Ransford | David Reid | Augustin Ruiz | J. Sulc | A. Torkelson | Jessica Trinh | Herman Tung | Katelyn Ward | L. Esposito | Thanh Pham | Fahimeh Baftizadeh | Rohan Gala | Zhi Zhou | Tanya L. Daigle | Olivia Fong | Medea McGraw | Tsega Desta | Nick Dee | Michael J. Hawrylycz | Darren Bertagnolli | Jeff Goldy | Tamara Casper | Kirsten Crichton | Delissa McMillen | Thanh Pham | Christine Rimorin | Josef Sulc | Amy Torkelson | Herman Tung | Eliza Barkan | Kris Bickley | Thomas Braun | Krissy Brouner | Nadezhda Dotson | Tom Egdorf | Amanda Gary | Melissa Gorham | Hong Gu | Sara Kebede | Alice Mukora | Lydia Potekhina | David Sandman | Grace Williams | Katherine Baker | Kyla Berry | Jasmine Bomben | Rebecca A. de Frates | Samuel Dingman Lee | Lauren Ellingwood | Rachel Enstrom | Clare Gamlin | Alexandra Glandon | Lucas Graybuck | Madie Hupp | Matthew Mallory | Michelle Maxwell | Alice Pom | Zoran Popović | Ramkumar Rajanbabu | Shea Ransford | Augustin Ruiz | Katelyn Ward | K. Ronellenfitch | R. D. Frates | Z. Popović | Lauren Ellingwood | A. Pom | Eliza R. Barkan | S. Sorensen | J. Berg | N. Gouwens | C. Gamlin | G. Williams | A. Mukora | Luke Esposito | Dijon Hill | Colin Farrell

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