Preliminary Study of Marine Harmful Fouling Organisms and Control in Cultivation of Shellfish

This paper reported the marine harmful fouling organisms in cultivation of shellfish on Changhai Coast,Dalian The organisms are consist of 17 species,include 6 species algal (Laminaria japanica,Undaria pinnatifida,Sargassum thunbergii,Pelvetia siliguosa,Scgtosiphon lomentarius and Colpomenia sinauosa) and 11 species animals ( Mytilus edulis,Mya arenaria,Subeerites sp , Obelia sp , Metridim senile,Polydora sp ,Terebella ehrenbergi,Caprrella acanthogasber,Balanus sp , Styela clava and Ciona intestestinlis ) The dlamage and control methods were also discussed in this paper.