영구임대아파트의 사회·물리적 거주환경정비 사례 연구
A permanent rental apartment complex, one of the deteriorated Residential Area has difficulties in Residential Environment with the usual physical improvement method. The usual method did not develop through resident-participation and it made the social exclusive are getting worse and worse. The urban and housing regeneration's direction is holistic regeneration and it is getting more recognized and required in the 21st Century. This study was focused on the case of ‘Hanmaeum permanent rental apartment' in Bubdong, one of the rainbow project in Daejen. The purpose of this study was examined a recent case study on the residential environment improvement and found an effective way focused on social and physical approach. This study was to review of the literature and a field study. As a result, the case has succeeded in social integration and it related to social and physical regeneration. This study would provide creative and realistic ideas for regeneration in permanent rental apartment.