The Principles of Linguistic Philosophy

Preface to the Second Edition - Preface to the First Edition - PART 1: THE TRANSITION FROM THE CLASSICAL TO THE LINGUISTIC VIEW OF PHILOSOPHY - The Nature of a Philosophical Problem - Examples of Philosophical Problems and Their Solutions - Is There a priori Knowledge? - Grammatical Models - Appendix to Part 1 - PART 2: ELEMENTS OF A PHILOSOPHICAL GRAMMAR - Introduction - The Causal Interpretation of Language - What is a Rule? - Meaning - Different Types of Explanation - Names - Names of Species - Problems of Communication - Structural Description - What is a Proposition? - The Theory of the Common Structure - Meaning and Verification - Some Remarks on the Concepts 'to be able', 'to know', 'to understand' - Combinations of Propositions - The Logical Calculus - Towards a Logic of Questions - Index