Improving the Quality of Higher Education through ICT
In recent years, the influx of students, the advent of the Internet, the need for integration into the labor market were responsible for profound changes in the mode of the academic world that it was not prepared. This appears parado xical in the context of globalization facing a social commitment to equality of opportuni y recognition and provides students with employability. Competitiveness between institu tions becomes strong face the challenges of international rankings. Therefore, th quality is at the heart of the concerns of both governments and universities that award deg rees and allow their students to be successful and competitive in the labor market and meet the needs of human, social, economic and cultural development. This awareness i s preading and resulting in the publication of regulations for universities that ai ms to provide a common framework to manage quality Information and Communications Techn ologies (ICT) provide a user (student, teacher and staff) access to all digital resources and services related to its works. They also facilitate the management of academic lif e, promote university autonomy, can reduce support costs and maintenance and influence changes in teaching practices. Therefore, they are in our opinion, the focus in th e development of a quality in an ongoing effort to continuously improve it. In this talk, I will begin first by presenting the background and return to the concepts definitions a round quality. I will present also the issue of quality in higher education to discuss the initiatives taken in this area. Then I will describe how Information and Communications Technol ogies contribute to improving quality in higher education and finally I will pres nt the digital solutions put in place to better meet the quality requirements.