An Interactive Multi-Criteria Decision Model for Reservoir Management: The Shellmouth Reservoir Case

Reservoir management is inherently multi-criterial, since any release decision involves implicit trade-offs between various conflicting objectives. The release decision reflects concerns such as flood protection, hydroelectric power generation, dilution of downstream wastewater and heat effluents, downstream municipal, agricultural and industrial water supply, environmental standards and recreational needs. This paper presents a framework for analysing trade-offs between several decision criteria, and includes the management of heated effluents from downstream thermoelectric power generation in an optimisation model for reservoir management. The model is formulated and analysed in an interactive multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) modelling framework. Rather than providing specific target levels or ad hoc constants in a Goal Programming framework, as proposed elsewhere, our multi-criteria framework suggests a systematic way of evaluating trade-offs by progressive preference assessment. The MCDM model, based on a Tchebycheff metric and a contracted cone approach, is learning-oriented and permits a natural exploration of the decision space while maintaining non-dominated decisions. A detailed case study of the Shellmouth Reservoir in Manitoba, Canada, serves as an illustration of the model.