A Multiwavelength Study of 30 Doradus: The Interstellar Medium in a Low-Metallicity Galaxy

We report maps of the 158 micron (C II) line, the 63 micron and 146 micron (C I) lines, the 2.2 micron Br gamma line, and the 2.6 mm CO (1-0) line toward the 30 Doradus complex in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The maps of all tracers emphasize the shell-like structure of the 30 Doradus region which is seen edge-on. The fact that the molecular gas as traced by CO (1-0) and the photo dissociated gas as traced by (C II) are co-extensive over tens of parsecs can only be explained by a highly fragmented structure of the interstellar medium which allows UV radiation to penetrate deep into the molecular cloud. Clumpiness is also the key to understanding the extremely high (C II)/CO line intensity ratios.