Treatment and functional results of anorectal continence in children with imperforate anus.
The results of 172 patients with imperforate anus are reported. In these patients 215 operations where performed. The complications, lethality and the results concerning anorectal continence are analysed. The lethality was 58% in the risk group A (high risk), 27% in group B and 3% in C group (low risk). The overall lethality was 16.6%. Specific complications were anal stenosis (15.5%), relapse of anorectal or anovaginal fistulas (7%) and mucosa prolapse (5%). Anorectal continence was evaluated according to the Kelly score of continence and to our own electromanometric and clinical score. Five years after the operation 50% of the patients with high type, and 14% of those with low type imperforate anus remained incontinent. Only 15% of the high anal atresias and 43% of the low forms became continent. Thirty-five percent of the children with a high anorectal malformation and 43% with a low type acquired a partial continence with small amounts of soiling. The current surgical techniques to improve anorectal continence are discussed: Pickrell's gracilis transplantation and its modifications, the free muscle transplantation according to Hakelius and Grotte, the free smooth muscle transplantation according to Schmidt and the reverse smooth muscle transplantation according to Holschneider and Hecker. Clinical and electromanometrical as well as electromyographical results are presented.