SEE-GRID is based on the SEE++ software system for the biomec hanical simulation of the human eye. The goal of SEE-GRID is to extend SEE++ in sever al steps in order to develop an efficient grid-based tool for “Evidence Based Medicine”, wh ich supports surgeons in choosing optimal surgery techniques for the treatment of certain eye moti lity disorders. First, we have developed a grid-enabled version of the simulation of the Hess-Lancas ter test, which is a medical examination by which the pathology of the patient can be estimated. Based on this, we work on a pathology fitting algorithm that attempts to give sufficiently close estimati ons for the pathological reasons of the disorder. Furthermore, we have started to develop a grid enable d distributed database where both real and simulated pathological cases can be collected, sorted a nd evaluated for improving both the later pathology fitting calculations and the future medical treat ments.
Martin Fowler,et al.
Analysis patterns - reusable object models
Addison-Wesley series in object-oriented software engineering.
Michael Buchberger,et al.
Biomechanical Modelling of the Human Eye
P. Nagabhushan,et al.
Parallel Levenberg-Marquardt-Based Neural Network Training on Linux Clusters - A Case Study
Douglas C. Schmidt,et al.
Patterns for concurrent and networked objects
Jens Volkert,et al.
glogin - Interactive Connectivity for the Grid