The language resource Strategic Agenda: the FLaReNet synthesis of community recommendations

Abstract The main purpose of this paper is to serve as a landmark for future research and in particular for future strategic, infrastructural and coordination initiatives. It presents a preliminary plan for actions and infrastructures that could become the basis for future initiatives in the sector of Language Resources and Technologies (LRTs). The FLaReNet Language Resource Strategic Agenda presents a set of recommendations for the development and progress of LRT in Europe, as issued from a three-year consultation of the FLaReNet European project. Recommendations cover a broad range of topics and activities, spanning over production and use of language resources, licensing, maintenance and preservation issues, infrastructures for language resources, resource identification and sharing, evaluation and validation, interoperability and policy issues. The intended recipients belong to a large set of players and stakeholders in LRT, ranging from individuals to research and education institutions, to policy-makers, funding agencies, SMEs and large companies, service and media providers. The main goal of these recommendations is to serve as an instrument to support stakeholders in planning for and addressing the urgencies of the LRT of the future.