An anisotropic, critical state model for soils subject to cyclic loading
This Paper applies and extends an anisotropic hardening model to the study of inelastic, undrained clay response under cyclic loading conditions. Besides kinematic and isotropic hardening rules, a cyclic degradation parameter is introduced which grows with accumulated deviatoric deformation and induces additional growth of pore pressure and softening of the material. As a result, strain amplitudes and accumulated strains increase in the course of cyclic loading. A modified two-surface model and a model with an infinite number of hardening surfaces are discussed and applied in the study of undrained, cyclic response of normally consolidated and overconsolidated clays in triaxial tests. The number of cycles to failure, pore pressure variation, growth of accumulated strain and the static strength after cyclic loading are predicted by these models and compared with experimental data. Cette communication a trait au developpement d'un modele d'ecrouissage durcissant anisotrope et son application a l'etude du co...