Application of link layer FEC to DVB-S2 for railway scenarios

In this paper, we analyze the performance improvement of the Second Generation Digital Video Broadcasting via Satellite (DVB-S2) when applying Forward Error Correction (FEC). DVB-S2 was designed for fixed terminals and thus we apply FEC at the Link Layer (LL) level in order to achieve reliable reception in mobile environment. Specifically, we focus on the railway scenario and analyze the performance and compatibility of the different LL-FEC schemes already available in the DVB family of standards: Multiple Protocol Encapsulation-FEC (MPE-FEC), MPE-FEC Sliding Encoding and MPE Inter-Burst FEC (MPE-IFEC). These are analyzed and compared when adopting Reed-Solomon (RS) or Raptor FEC Codes. A simulation framework for LL-FEC over DVB-S2 systems is presented and an optimization of FEC code parameters is proposed. Two typical railway scenarios have been analyzed: Line-of-Sight together with the effect of Power Archers (LOS+PA) and non-Line of Sight (nLOS). Theoretical analysis and simulation revealed that LL-FEC can overcome the fade in the railway scenarios in case appropriate FEC codes parameters are used.