Formalization of process of forming university's information image in the social environments on the Internet

Information image of a university in social services on the Internet is a mass-available information about a university on WWW websites and specialized services that provide the possibility of broad public discussion, modification and creation of new information directly at the location. In the article the process of creating information image in social services on the Internet (II SSI) is researched and three stages are distinguished: 1. Activity of the information source; 2. Activity of the information generator; 3. Image generating activity based on generator’s materials. If each stage is carried out without external controlling actions, it is a natural unmanaged process of creating II SSI. However, in practice for large universities such processes are subject to be under control, though, not always with positive intentions regarding the university. It was established that control on behalf of the university can be maintained at each of the stages, but absolute control aimed at obtaining significant effect should be maintained continuously at all stages.