Motivating the "What's In It For Me?" Workforce: Manage Across the Generational Divide and Increase Profits

Acknowledgments. Introduction: It's Not Your Father's Workplace Anymore. 1 Peter Pan in the Workforce. Pixie Dust, Forever Young, and "What Success Means to Me". 2 The Boomers and Matures. There They Go.Wait, Maybe Not! 3 Up,Up, and Awaaaaay! The Boomers Soar at Work. 4 Gen X-How They Got Here. Cynical? Questioning? Cautious? You'd Better Believe It. 5 The New Millennials. The Future of Our Workplace. 6 Why Work? The Generational Divide Surfaces in the Workplace. 7 If It's to Be, It's Up to Me. Be a Better Boss in the Twenty-First-Century Workplace. 8 Creating a Twenty-First-Century Workplace. Fast, Functional, and Multigenerational. 9 Practical Plans, Proactive Approaches. The Rubber Hits the Road. 10 What's Next? A Look into the Crystal Ball. 11 "And Now, a Few Words to My Peers". What Gen Xers and the New Millennials Should Be Told at Graduation. Quiz: Generational Voices. Who Am I? Answer Key: Generational Voices Quiz. Who Am I? References and Suggested Readings. About the Author. Index.