역량기반교육과정 비판적 분석

This is the case study of the documentation of competence-based curriculum which is a current theme of educational reform. In 2012, Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education (GPOE) firstly introduced competence-based curriculum into the curriculum of GPOE of 17 Provincial Offices of Education. GPOE is the biggest educational organization which holds 1.8 million students, 120,000 teachers and 2,300 schools. So it has a very important role in school education. The purpose of this study is to analyze the competence of GPOE, the way to present it, the relationship between core competence and subject competence, and the strategies to develop the competence. Especially, the study investigated the perspective toward the curriculum, methods and evaluations related to competence development. The result shows that the synergy will be maximized when school member’s willingness to change school meets the support from the educational administration authorities. On the basis of this study, more discussion about the documentation of the competence-based curriculum in the province-level curriculum and school-level curriculum is needed.