Vzdělávání, zvyšování kvalifikace a rozvoj zaměstnanců ve společnosti ICOM transport a.s.

The main subject of the bachelor work is the problematic of the employee training, qualification raising and development by the transport company ICOM transport a.s.. The work is divided into three different parts. At first, there is an introduction to the basic terms and theoretical views to the employee training, qualification raising and development. After that, there is, in the practical part, an introduction of the company ICOM transport a.s. itself and the analysis of its internal and external environment. It is followed by the analysis of the recent management of the company with respect to its fluctuation in the preceding year, methods used by the company for employee training, qualification raising and development. At the end, the findings about the mentioned activities will be evaluated and there will be given some recommendations that could be a contribution to the company for its development and growth.