In a well‐known example due to Browman and Goldstein [Lab. Phon. I, 341–376 (1990)] the /ktm/ sequence in the phrase ‘‘perfect memory’’ is contrasted between careful (list) and fluent production conditions. X‐ray microbeam data were used to show that although in the fluent case coproduction of the /m/ can mask the acoustic releases of the /k/ and /t/, both stops are nonetheless articulated. The current work uses EMMA data to examine this sequence in greater detail: 8 subjects produced the phrase in a carrier context under normal, fast, and clear rate conditions. Results confirm that tongue dorsum and tip movements toward velar and apical closure occur regardless of rate and observable acoustic effect. In addition, while movement amplitudes decreased somewhat as rate increased, little variation in the durations associated with the consonant gestures was observed. Instead, changes in rate primarily effected V to V duration and the relative phasing of the velar and apical closing gestures: the tongue tip max...