Optics of Nanomaterials

Fabrication and Classification of Nanomaterials A Brief Overview of Basic Fabrication Techniques Nanomaterials Based on Pure Carbon Metallic and Metal-Based Nanoparticles Semiconductor Nanoparticles Assembled Nanoparticles and Nanostructures Nanocomposites Nanostructured and Nanocomposite Polymers Biological Nanomaterials Basics of Nanomaterials Optics Electrons in a Quantum Well Electrons under One-Dimensional Confinement Particle in Spherically Symmetric Potential Description of the Electromagnetic Field in Media Semiclassical Theory of Linear Optical Response Semiclassical Theory of Nonlinear Optical Response Optical Response from First Principles Effect of the Local Field in Classical Optics Optical Local Field Effect from First Principles Nanoscale Optics Plasma Excitations in Optics Plasmon Resonance in Spherical Nanoparticles Effective Medium Approximations in Optics of Nanomaterials Electromagnetic Field Enhancement in Metallic Nanostructures Plasmons in Hollow Nanoparticles Negative-Index Materials Near-Field Optics Optical Absorption and Fluorescence of Nanomaterials Metallic Nanoparticles Nanostructures Based on Metallic Alloys Metallic Nanowires Semiconductor Nanowires Semiconductor Nanoparticles Excitons in Quantum Confined Systems Excitons in Bulk Materials Two-Dimensional Excitons on Surfaces and Interfaces One-Dimensional Excitons in Quantum Wires Analysis of Excitons in Quantum Dots within Effective Mass Approximation Excitons in Quantum Dots beyond Effective Mass Approximation Experimental Studies of Excitons in Quantum Dots Multiexcitons in Quantum Dots Raman Spectroscopy of Nanomaterials Basics of the Raman Scattering Light Scattering Mechanisms Raman Scattering of Quantum Dots Exciton Raman Scattering Effects of Quantum Confinement on Raman Spectra Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering of Nanostructures Electromagnetic Mechanism of SERS ChemicalMechanism of SERS Toward Microscopic Understanding of SERS Coherent Optical Spectroscopy of Quantum Dots Interaction of Quantized Optical Field with Atomic System Rabi Oscillations Dressed Electronic States Quantum Dots in a Coherent Optical Field: Strong and Weak Coupling Conditions Quantum Dots in Photonic Crystals Optical Absorption of Quantum Dots in a Strong Coherent Field Photoluminescence of Quantum Dots in a Strong Coherent Field Nonlinear Optics of Nanomaterials and Nanostructures Nonlinear Optical Response from Nanocrystals Second Harmonic Generation from Surfaces and Interfaces Electro-Optical Modulation Spectroscopy of Nanostructures Plasma Resonance Enhancement of Nonlinear Optical Response in Nanostructures Nonlinear Optics of Nanostructured Metamaterials Optics of Organic Nanomaterials Organic Molecules and Molecular Aggregates Molecular Nanocrystals Inorganic-Organic Nanocomposites Nanocomposite Conjugated Polymers Polymer-Based Nanostructures Optics of Biological Nanomaterials Optical Labeling of Biological Nanomaterials Fluorescent Nanocrystals for Optical Labeling Single-Molecule Fluorescence as Biolabels Raman-Active Labels for Tissue Analysis Surface Plasmon Resonance for Biosensing Appendix A: Thomas--Fermi Approximation and Basics of the Density Functional Theory Appendix B: Evaluation of Optical Functions within the Perturbation Theory Appendix C: Local Field Effect in Optics of Solids from the First Principles Appendix D: Optical Field Hamiltonian in Second Quantization Representation Appendix E: Surface Plasmons and Surface Plasmon Polaritons