Neocognitron with Improved Bend-Extractors: of Handwritten Digits in the Real World

We have reported previously that the performance of a neocognitron can be improved by a builtin bend-extracting layer. The conventional bendextracting layer can detect bend points and end points of lines correctly, but not always crossing points of lines. This paper shows that an introduction of a mechanism of disinhibition can make the bend-extracting layer detect not only bend points and end points, but also crossing points of lines correctly. This paper also demonstrates that a neocognitron with this improved bend-extracting layer can recognise handwritten digits in the real world with a recognition rate of about 98%. We use the technique of dual thresholds for feature-extracting S-cells, and higher threshold values are used in the learning than in the recognition phase. We discuss how the threshold values affect the recognition rate.