Dispersion Control of Magnetostatic Waves Using Layered Structure

The dispersion relation of the magnetostatic surface wave propsgating in a ferrimagnetic double layer h as been found and the effects of v arious layers on the propagation characteristics have been examined. A linear delay variation extending from 125 ns/cm to 365 ns/cm over an 0.4 GHz bandwidth centered at 2.8 GHz is obtainable with YIG films of 10 micron thicknesses b ut with 4nM values as 1.75KG and 1.QKC respectfvely. havior of the magnetostatic surface wave propagation w ith in-plane magnetic field applied at an angle normal to the direction of propagation, has been studied and time delays have been computed as a function of this angle. Under this condition t he backward volume wzves are also generated along with surface waves"he be