Deghosted Least-squares RTM - Image Domain Broadband Solution for Complex Structures

We introduce a 3D inversion-based Least-squares Reverse Time Migration (LSRTM) technique combined with a data-based optimum deghosting method. This new LSRTM approach considers the complex features of ghosts, such as frequency dependence and random variation of source and receiver depths. The optimum deghosting part greatly simplifies the data matching and makes the inversion procedure more stable and faster. As an image domain broadband solution, the deghosted LSRTM approach can benefit from both the inversion-based migration operator and data-based frequency-band broadening to provide an uplifted broadband high-resolution image. Working like a 3D deconvolution, this robust LSRTM approach provides a high definition and true-amplitude solution which effectively improves both temporal and spatial resolution of seismic images in complex structure areas.