Finite element elastic-plastic-creep analysis of two-dimensional continuum with temperature dependent material properties

Abstract A technique is presented for performing finite element elastic-plastic-creep analysis of two-dimensional continuum composed of material with temperature dependent elastic, plastic, and creep properties. The plastic analysis utilizes the Prandtl-Reuss flow equations assuming isotropic material properties and linear strain-hardening. A power creep flow law formulated by Odquist is used to determine the steady state creep strain rate. The plastic and creep flow laws are employed to derive a ‘softened’ plastic-creep stress-strain matrix. These modified stress-strain relations are then used to formulate the element stiffness matrix in the usual manner. The differences in the elastic, plastic, and creep properties of the material due to the temperature change during the increment result in the formation of pseudo stresses, which in turn lead to load terms that appear on the right hand side of the equilibrium equations. The load terms resulting from these pseudo stresses not only keep the solution on the temperature dependent stress-strain curve of the material, but also correct for the elastic ‘overshoot’ that occurs when an element changes from an elastic to a plastic state. The effect of large displacements is included by the formulation of the geometric stiffness matrix for each element being used in the computer code. With this procedure it becomes economically feasible to perform elastic-plastic-creep stress analysis of two-dimensional continuum subjected to transient thermal and mechanical loadings. Several examples of both elastic-plastic and creep analyses are presented, and the finite element solutions are compared to either other theoretical solutions or experiment.