Patterns and Universals of Adult Romantic Attachment Across 62 Cultural Regions

As part of the International Sexuality Description Project, a total of 17,804 participants from 62 cultural regions completedthe RelationshipQuestionnaire(RQ), a self-reportmeasure of adult romanticattachment. Correlational analyses within each culture suggested that the Model of Self and the Model of Other scales of the RQ were psychometrically valid within most cultures. Contrary to expectations, the Model of Self and Model of Other dimensions of the RQ did not underlie the four-category model of attachment in the same way across all cultures. Analyses of specific attachment styles revealed that secure romantic attachment was normative in 79% of cultures and that preoccupied romantic attachment was particularly prevalent in East Asian cultures. Finally, the romantic attachment profiles of individual nations were correlated with sociocultural indicators in ways that supported evolutionary theories of romantic attachment and basic human mating strategies.

Allen I. Huffcutt | K. Grammer | P. Shaver | M. Voracek | R. Mata | K. Poels | J. Halberstadt | F. Sambataro | W. Ruch | M. Raymond | A. Huffcutt | Bert Timmermans | Ikuo Daibo | T. Shackelford | J. Allik | K. Durkin | A. Schütz | Ulf-Dietrich Reips | F. Van Overwalle | P. Noller | H. Euler | D. Fry | M. Fisher | V. N. Giri | I. Tsaousis | M. Moya | W. Wan | S. Haque | W. Tooke | Dolores Foley | J. Veríssimo | D. Schmitt | M. Safir | A. Panayiotou | André Mata | I. Austers | A. Laireiter | L. Alcalay | F. Simonetti | Sonia Salas | M. Popper | B. Khoury | Nebi Sümer | K. Locke | N. Petrović | Heather Hoffmann | Suk-Jae Lee | W. Rowatt | Michael E. Mills | Kaia Laidra | J. Jaafar | R. Falzon | M. Ghayur | M. Lauri | M. Munyae | V. Rus | T. Sineshaw | J. Braeckman | Robin M. Taylor | F. Tungaraza | I. Vanwesenbeeck | L. Woertman | Lara K. Ault | D. L. Golden | N. Mkhize | Igor Kardum | G. Youn | G. Bianchi | Fredrick A. Boholst | Mary Ann Borg Cunen | L. G. A. Caral | G. Caron | M. M. Casullo | M. Cunningham | C. D. De Backer | Eros De Souza | G. Diniz | M. Echegaray | Ekin Eremsoy | Sirpa Fry | L. Grimaldi | Dora Herrera | Janine Hertel | D. Hooper | Z. Hradilekova | Jasna Hudek-Kene-evi | M. Jankauskaitė | Heidi Kabangu-Stahel | Hayrran Kwon | Dustin Lakerveld | A. Lampert | M. Lavallée | L. C. Leung | Vance Locke | I. Lukšík | I. Magaisa | Dalia Marcinkevičienė | B. McCarthy | João Moreira | Sérgio Moreira | A. Opre | Maria Poulimenou | Volodymyr P'yatokha | S. E. Reneau | Sofía Rivera-Aragón | K. Sandnabba | Marion K. Schulmeyer | T. Scrimali | F. Sichona | T. Speelman | Spyros Spyrou | H. Sümer | Marianna Supeková | T. Szlendak | Griet Vandermassen | P. Vasey | Tangjia Wang | Peter Weiss | A. Zupanèiè | Marion K Schulmeyer | Kevin L. Bennett | Robert Fowler | Hmoud Olimat | A. Turner | Tim Vanhoomissen | Mithila B. Sharan | R. Sookdew | Rachel Schleeter | Amanda Hitchell | Melissa Allensworth | Edwin G. Brainerd | R. Díaz-Loving | A. Wijaya | P. Weiss | Miguel Moya | Ruth Falzon | Lidia Alcalay | Tilahun Sineshaw | Miroslav Popper | M. B. Sharan | M. Schulmeyer

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