Measurement and calibration of interferometric imaging aberrations.

Phase-shifting interferometry is the standard method for testing figure error on optical surfaces. Instruments measuring spheres and flats are readily available, but the accurate measurement of aspheres requires null correction. One problem with the general (nonull) testing of aspheres is the loss of common path. Systematic errors are introduced into the measurement by the fringe imaging optics. The sources and types of error are reviewed, as well as their effect on a wave-front measurement. These nonnull errors are predicted generally, with third-order analytic expressions derived for a tilted or a defocused test surface. An interferometer is built to test the expressions. The imaging system is a single lens, nominally image telecentric. Measurements are performed on a test surface defocused from -5 to 5 mm. The resulting measurement bias is shown to be in good agreement with third-order aberration theory predictions.