Epidemiological, clinical and paraclinical investigations in cattle enzootic haematuria in an area from N-W of Transilvania.

The observations were made on a number of 1751 cattle, during 2007-2008, coming from 7 localities, where the enzootic haematuria evolves, from county Maramures, next Baia Mare city (Sisesti, Negreia, Dănesti, Surdesti, Plopis, Cetăţele, Budesti). Refering to feeding, in the winter period, natural hay and maize stalks and only exceptional maize and gran flour, and during grazing was low vegetation elected in the arid years predominantly from imperial fern (Pteridium aquilinum). The appearance of haematuria is in the january-february-march period, and appears frequently in pregnant animals and in animals around 2-3 years old. Individual and group clinical examinations from the examined localities praised poor state of maintenance, most common diseases associated with enzootic haematuria, and on the cows with clinically manifested haematuria, state of anaemia, haematuria, dysuria. We have collected 11 samples of blood, respectivelly 11 samples of urine by vesical catheterism from the cattle with clinical signs. Of them were made hemograma, complete leucograma and biochemical tests (serum glucose, BUN, total protein, albumin, gamaglobulin, creatinin). As far as urine: with color variations between yellow and straw yellow, orange and pale red, pH 2.0-8.0 and urinar sediment (vesical cells, red blood cells, calcium carbonate and sulfate crystals).