Performance of FHSS systems employing carrier jitter against one-dimensional tone jamming

The performance of a frequency-hop spread-spectrum system employing carrier jitter against one-dimensional tone jamming (n=1 band multitone jamming) is investigated. First, noncoherent BFSK signaling under continuous-wave (CW) tone interference with arbitrary frequency offset is analyzed. A closed-form expression is derived for the error probability when there is one interfering CW tone and the background noise is negligible. When the background noise is significant, an expression involving one numerical integration is derived for the probability of error. It is shown that an interfering CW tone with power less than that of the signal can still cause errors with significant probability for certain ranges of carrier offsets. Next, the authors apply these results in analyzing the performance of a FHSS communications system under one-dimensional tone jamming when the communicator pseudorandomly jitters his carrier frequency from hop to hop. Two different methods of carrier jittering are considered. It is found that one of the schemes offers approximately a 3 dB gain in signal-to-noise ratio over a system without carrier jittering while the other scheme offers no significant gain. >