Dynamic performance of a novel dew point air conditioning for the UK buildings

This paper analysed the dynamic performance of a novel dew point evaporative cooling for air conditioning of buildings in the UK regions. The issues involved include analyses of the UK weather conditions, investigation of availability of water for dew point cooling, and assessment of cooling capacity of the system over various regions of the UK. It is concluded that the dew point system is suitable for most regions of the UK, particularly the regions around Finningley and Aberdeen where the climate is drier than other regions in summer. Lower humidity results in a higher difference between the dry bulb and dew point of the air, which benefits the system by enhancing its cooling performance. Tap water has an adequate temperature to feed the system for cooling and its consumption rate is in the range of 2.1--2.4 l/kWh output. The cooling output of the system ranges from 3.1 to 4.2 W/m-super-3/h air flow rate in the UK, depending upon the region where the system is applied. For a unit with 2 kW of cooling output, the required air volume flow rate varies with its application location and is in the range of 500--570 m-super-3/h. For a 100 m-super-2 building with 30 W/m-super-2 cooling load, if the system operates at working hours, i.e. 09:00 am to 05:00 pm, its daily water consumption would be in the range of 60--70 l. Compared with mild or humid climates, the dry and hot climates need less air volume flow rate and less water. Copyright The Author 2009. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oxfordjournals.org, Oxford University Press.