Seasonal variation in diet composition and similarity of sympatric red deer Cervus elaphus and roe deer Capreolus capreolus

Abstract Use of food resources by herbivores depends on intrinsic constraints, essentially body size and morpho-physiological characteristics, which determine the range of foods they tolerate and environmental constraints, such as seasonality and interspecific interactions, which determine the availability of resources. We analysed a collection of rumen contents samples from sympatric populations of red deer Cervus elaphus and roe deer Capreolus capreolus and tested several theoretical predictions relating to the impact of intrinsic and environmental constraints on diet composition, diversity and similarity. Red deer consumed more slowly digestible, fibrous forage than roe deer and had a more diverse diet throughout the year, which supports predictions deriving from specific body size and morpho-physiological characteristics. In conformity with the optimal foraging theory, both species consumed more slowly digestible forage in times of low food availability (i.e. during winter) than during the rest of the year. An increase in diet similarity in winter, along with predictions from the theory on competitive interaction processes, led us to assume that food resources were not limiting and that exploitative competition between red and roe deer was unlikely in our study area. We underline the importance of studies of the use of food resources by sympatric herbivores in answering applied ecological questions at the local scale, and we suggest that the Euclidean geometrical approach we used is particularly well suited for the analysis of resource matrices, a common end-product of long-term field data gathering on the feeding habits of animals.


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