This paper presents one part of our work on 'hierarchical visualization.' Here, we propose an efficient hierarchical structure for the visualization of 3D volumetric data, where for instance, data compression techniques are embedded into the hierarchical structure. The hierarchical structure consists of two layers. The first hierarchy roughly visualizes the whole lossy compressed data so that we can quickly understand and interpret the outline of the whole 3D volumetric dataset. This step allows users to choose the desired parts of the 3D volumetric data. The second hierarchy is used for scrutinizing the detail of the chosen parts using lossless compressed data. To implement the hierarchical structure we propose a partitioning algorithm for 3D volumetric data based on principal component analysis. With principal component analysis, the original 3D volumetric space can be divided into a number of 3D volumetric blocks such that each block contains similar data. Analyzing these specific blocks and taking advantage of an octree hierarchy, from the whole 3D volumetric dataset we can easily access only the parts which are required for display. The proposed partitioning algorithm should be very useful in reducing the amount of rendering, which means that we will need only to precisely render the blocks required for display, and not the whole 3D volumetric dataset.
Amir Said,et al.
Wavelet compression of medical images with set partitioning in hierarchical trees
Medical Imaging.
Carolina Cruz-Neira,et al.
Surround-Screen Projection-Based Virtual Reality: The Design and Implementation of the CAVE
Takeshi Naemura,et al.
Fractal coding of a multi-view 3-D image
Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Image Processing.
Wayne O. Cochran,et al.
Fractal Volume Compression
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph..
M. Carter.
Computer graphics: Principles and practice
Paul Ning,et al.
Vector quantization for volume rendering
Dirk Bartz,et al.
Virtual voyage: interactive navigation in the human colon
John C. Hart,et al.
The CAVE: audio visual experience automatic virtual environment
V. Leitáo,et al.
Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice
Paul Ning,et al.
Fast volume rendering of compressed data
Proceedings Visualization '93.