This paper addresses the problem of post-flight data calibration. Flight test data collected for the purpose of aerodynamic parameter estimation consists of inertial and air-relative sensor outputs. Prior to performing any parameter estimation or traditional data reduction, it is necessary to evaluate, and if possible, correct the measured data to ensure kinematic consistency of the inertial sensors as well as accuracy of the critical airrelative parameters. The procedure described in this paper has been incorporated within the Integrated Data Evaluation and Analysis System (IDEAS) developed by SAIC. The algorithm was used to calibrate S-3B flight test data, collected in the summer of 1996, through the identification of small bias corrections on linear accelerometers and angular rates as well as horizontal wind magnitude and direction. Non-linear corrections for the nose boom airspeed sensor, as well as scale factor and bias corrections for flow angles, were estimated. Different standard flight test maneuvers were used to generate the data needed for such post-flight calibration. A discussion of these maneuvers and the necessary assumptions made in solving the dynamic equations is also provided.