Aircraft wake dissipation by sinusoidal instability and vortex breakdown.

Sinusoidal instability of aircraft trailing vortices was induced by differentially oscillating inboard and outboard flaps on a model wing in a ship towing tank. Measured amplification rates qualitatively agree with theoretical predictions. Axial velocities in the vortex core were directed towards the wing and measured to be approximately 25% of the tow speed. Vortex breakdown was observed to occur along trailers undergoing sinusoidal instability near but ahead (towards the wing) of positions of maximum trailer separation. It is shown that axisymmetric pressure gradients are imposed along the vortex core by the other sinusoidally deformed trailer and are responsible for the observed changes in core diameter. A theoretical model predicts the short-time behavior of the vortex core and shows that the response of the vortex depends crucially on the axial velocity in the vortex.