동계훈련 주기화에 따른 우수소프트볼선수의 전문체력능력 및 기능수행능력의 변화
The purpose of this study were to investigate the changes in skill training ability and physical ability on a winter periodized training in elite softball athlete. Twenty healthy elite softball athlete participated in the study they has been maintained the normal menstruation cycle of 25~38 days (The change every cycle was within six days). The periodization classified OFF term (2011. 12. 1 ~ 2012. 2. 14), PRE term (2012. 2. 15 ~ 2012. 4. 2) and IN term (2012. 4. 3 ~ 2012. 4. 29). Physical characteristic, skill training ability (base running, softball throwing) and speciality physical ability (shoulder isokinetic strength, bench press 1RM) were collected before and after OFF term, after PRE term and after IN term. Weight and body fat were positively improved after OFF term than before OFF term. Softball throwing was positively improved after OFF term than before OFF term, and maintained continuously up to IN term. Also, at isokinetic strength, PT and %PT on 60°/sec and 180°/sec in external rotation were positively improved after OFF term than before OFF term, and maintained continuous up to IN term. Furthermore, bench press 1RM was positively increased after OFF term than before OFF term, and maintained continuously up to IN term. These results suggested that a changes in the physical characteristic and the skill training ability by a winter periodized training brings the effect to speciality physical ability